credit card distraction theft

Credit Card Distraction Theft

Residents Be Aware… Credit card distraction theft.
Please take care when using credit cards.
Don’t let these distraction thieves spoil your Christmas.

Last Saturday a resident in Daventry was approached by a foreign man at the bus station he was asking people about buses to Rugby.

He then asked this lady and her friend who told him where the bus was, he didn’t take any notice and finally walked away.

It was only later when she got home that she noticed all her credit cards had gone.

She realises now that there were 2 men who had seen her drawing money out also saw her putting in her pin number, pin number noted they then followed her and her friend to the bus station then distracted them asking about the bus.

Please be aware when drawing money out, take a good look around and make it obvious, when putting in your pin number cover your entire hand.

Thieves will distract the victim by performing any of the following techniques:
1. Ask directions in the car park while the victim is loading her car
2. Ask the victim a question about a product on an aisle
3. (Accidently) bump into the victim
4. Wait for the victim to reach for an item on a high shelf or low shelf
5. Ask how they (suspect) look in an outfit when near a dressing room
No matter what distraction technique the suspect is always polite and very nice!  In most cases suspects simply take advantage of the victim’s own complacency.
LADIES…Never leave your purse open or unattended in a shopping trolley or your handbag.

If someone like these men or even women approach you asking directions or any other means of distraction don’t worry about being polite, grab your bag, purse or wallet tight and walk away.