DTC planning meeting

DTC Planning Meeting

Great turnout from residents last night at DTC planning meeting.
DTC agreed to refuse the demolition of the garages to build houses.
People power at its best!
DDC will make the final decision, but the evidence stacks up.
Residents need to contact, via email or post to their Ward District Councillors to ask for their support in opposing the planning applications.

Copy to the DDC planning case officer, adavies@daventrydc.gov.uk

Cllr Sean Connors
Email: sconnors@daventrydc.gov.uk
Telephone No: 01327 705389

Cllr Amy Howard
Email: ahoward@daventrydc.gov.uk
Mobile: 07437614380

Cllr Wendy Randall
Email: wrandall@daventrydc.gov.uk
Telephone No: 01327 879882
Mobile No: 07840 747348