Do it for the Grange

I Want To See In The Dark

I walked down to The Grange Convenience Store tonight OMG I walk there every day but even I had trouble on the path where they all join near the 2 very large Ash trees and where the path dips.

dangerous light

All 3 street lights here were off, further on towards The Stour 2 consecutive lights were on. This is a route used by many residents and has a high footfall, this is a route residents who don’t drive use to get to their homes and should be a safe route. I have written to MP Chris Heaton Harris and the Highways agency and still nothing has improved, I think they think it is just a park but like all paths on The Grange Estate they are main routes to our homes and need to be lit properly so we can get to where we need to be safely and without feeling vulnerable.

– Jacquie Ward