Free Debt Advice

Free Debt Advice

You don’t have to pay for debt advice when you can get free debt advice.

We all struggle from time to time juggling the finances just to get by.

If you have debts, you can suffer from stress and anxiety worrying about it.

Worrying about money when you are struggling with debt can lead to depression, anxiety and stress.

It can cause tension or arguments between you and your loved ones.

1. Accept that your debt is a problem

Before you can tackle your debt and the associated worry and stress, you need to accept that it’s a problem. For many people, debt is something that creeps up on them, building slowly over time.

Your debt may have grown from being small and manageable into something that now feels like it’s totally out of your control, but now you need to accept that your debt is a problem.

2. Talk about your debt

Don’t bottle up your debt problems, talk to someone, a trouble shared is a trouble halved.

Talk to you partner it affects them too.

If you are able talk to your family and friends about your debt.

Most importantly get professional debt advice

3. Act now and deal with your debt

The longer you put of dealing with your debt the longer it will take to sort it out

  • Get in touch with a debt organisation  for free impartial advice.
  • Stop ignoring bills and start speaking to your creditors.

4. Build your confidence back up

Once you start taking steps to tackle your debt you will begin to feel in control and your debt is something you can deal with and overcome.

Every step you make is one step nearer to solving your debt problem

5. Get help coping with your debt

There are many different routes out of debt, and a few charities that can help you decide which option is best for you. We recommend the following organisations

National Debtline

Free Debt Advice

CAP – Christians Against Poverty

Free Debt Advice

Citizens Advice

Free Debt Advice

Step Change – Debt Charity

Free Debt Advice

U Switch  has a great debt directory where you will find more sources of help.

6. Debt causes stress – Look after yourself

The worries of debt can cause stress, anxiety or even depression. This is very natural and very common.

There are things you can do to help you relax, remember your debt is just a problem and you will get through this.

Remember to:

  • Eat well:   A healthy, balanced diet will help your mind and body function.
  • Talk :        A trouble shared is a trouble halved
  • Exercise:  Run around the park, hop on a bike – exercise doesn’t have to be expensive.
  • Sleep:       A good diet and regular exercise will help you sleep.